
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

8th Grade

8th grade:
·        Last day of in class work:  Monday May 16th
·        Due Friday 27th no exceptions.
·        I am available after school, during tutorial and you may take projects home
·        Due: Wed June 8th

Portfolio Prep Due Dates

Portfolio Prep
Due for end of 4th Quarter: ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE JUNE 10TH

·        Documentation: All work for the entire semester should be documented in your student folder under classes > artclasses> yourname. Make sure you have details of your work. Previous work should also be documented in this folder.
·        Elements assignment: Each student randomly drew 2-3 art elements they needed to incorporate into a project.
·        Individualized Assignments: Each student was given a slip of paper with specific instructions for a project tailored to challenge them.
·        Independent Project: This is open medium and subject matter. This should be a culmination of your learning and growth. This should exhibit both technical and conceptual skill.

Intro to Photo

Due for Intro to Photography 2nd Quarter
Every student should have their own folder of edited photographs in each of these assignment folders. Everything should be titled with your first name, last name, assignment and number.  Example Teresa Henderson portrait 01 All of these assignment with the exception of the final project are due Thursday June 2nd (the last day of regular classes)
·        1st photo shoot: This is the first photo shoot you staged with your group. You should have a series of photographs.
·        Portrait homework: This is should be 2-4 portraits of people. This is open.
·        3 Different portraits same subject: 3 portraits of the same subject. Each photograph should depict the subject in a different manner. The location should not change. The only things that should change are the way you shoot or your editing choices.
·        Open Assignment: 4 photographs of any subject matter any style
·        Quiz
·        2nd Photo shoot: 2nd Photo shoot staged with your group. You should have at least 4 edited photographs.  (May 19th)
·        *Final Project: open subject a series of 10-14 photographs. Due June 10

Final Project:
·        Due June 10th
·        Your final project should be a series of 10-14 edited photographs.
·        All photographs should be titled with your first name, last name, assignment and number.  Example Teresa Henderson final 01
·        All photographs should connect thematically / conceptually
·        Photographs will be graded technically (composition, range of value, editing etc) and conceptually (do the photographs give different perspective on the same subject, do the photographs work together in a series, etc)
·        Please write a paragraph on your concept and technical skills used.